March 15, 2011 21:30
March 15, 2011 21:13
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell

March 15, 2011 21:08

Which means that I had to pass the two tests I had to take to be invited for interview the same day. There were 90 people there for the tests and only 30 selected for interview.
I found out last week, I'm shell shocked. Hense the no blogging or tweeting, I'm still accepting it
February 25, 2011 23:57
McQueen & I

Ok, ok I will admit it. Yes I did cry at the McQueen & I program on More 4, click here to watch it if you sadly missed it.

I was so affected by Isabella's life when researching I shared it with my mum. I was distraught at how many times she tried to commit suicide, each time she survived, how she felt alone and how she suffered with depression. You have to look at the home life to understand why such a person is more subjected to depression, which I did, thanks to Wiki. Izzys mother left their family when she was young and departed on a handshake. Her father, only left her a appalling amount of estate money, her fondest memory is trying on one of her mothers hats. So it's rather fitting she nurture, Phillip Tracy, king of hattery.
When Izzy took her own life with the poison which was in fact (according to Wiki, so probably not fact) weedkiller. It was her sister who found Izzy and its recalled that she said "I'm worried I haven't taken enough." Izzy also had ovarian cancer and was unable to conceive, so the trauma of trying repeatedly in a number of methods to have a child only helped spiral on this devastating depression. I feel so emotional about it and empathetic towards her, how could you not.

Alexander and Izzy, understood one another as if brother and sister. However, both needed independent nurturing and when times were hard and stresses were at their highest neither could play the stronger leader. Alexander was surrounded with this way of dealing with things, therefore it made me accept a little bit more as to why he chose to take his own life.
Alexander waves farewell, arm held high as he earns his standing ovation from his jaw dropping SS10 show.
The program features archived interviews, catwalks and friends/family/colleague statements. Anyone interested in fashion or not should watch this. It really shows you how hard designers work to get to where they are. Galliano is suspended from Dior today because of drunken behaviour and alleged anti Semitic words however the shows in a week, hes been at Dior for 13 years. Its A LOT of pressure.
If Galliano did say anti Semitic words that is NEVER right. Designers are under so much pressure, you learn in the program, it's 10 collections a year. Thats 10 projects of hard graft and new inspirations. I struggle with 4 a year for graphics and photography and thats not even in the same league. Perhaps more acknowledgment to the catalyst of fashion, that is the designers, will realise in the words of Tavi 'fashion needs to relax, for like 2 seconds.'
Overall, the program did McQueen good. Expanding the knowledge further a field, everybody should understand this media projected story, like any other. The program corrects any assumptions in the best possible way. Alexander McQueen, does live on.
February 25, 2011 23:17
Gok Wan Exclusive for Specsavers

A pick of some of the styles on offer, there are a million colours in the collection:
![]() |

February 25, 2011 21:10
UCLAN Interview

By 6:30 am the next day (25th) I was woken for the UCLAN interview. This day didn't start well either. I tried to get out of going so much but my mum was having none of it, and I can be vicious sometimes as much as I detest it. I took a new approach with my outfit after yesterdays disaster and wore the pleated black maxi skirt I thrifted this week with a Wang esque black basic tee, paired with brogues and a oriental scarf wrapped around my head, oh and 60's big black round earrings. I was so comfy. I can't stop wearing black! Also got a thing with head scarfs at the moment.
In my interview, Ruth the Interviewer, really liked my illustrations and said I was quite the networker, which is a huge compliment! I suppose it's true with the amount of people I have met just at the interviews. A girl asked for my number because her interview for Art Foundation at MMU is on the 3rd of March like mine! So that was nice. I just see it as being friendly because theres nothing worse than an awkward situation, I'm also really interested in people so I love to converse even though I am actually a shy, sensitive person!

We visited LUSH purely for the smell. I bought my Leeds fest necessities there last year so it was good to pop in. A lad who worked there approached me with a joke about the size of the mirror as he couldn't see into it as he was so tall! He was very talkative and confident in the charismatic way, I love people like that. He convinced me to by the Woosh shower jelly as I kept prodding it because it was making this little girl laugh in the store haha, I can't wait to use it. I heart Lush!
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It really was battle of the Yorkies and the Lancs these past two days. Re living history, one step at a time. |
I really recommend UCLAN Preston University!
With these experiences it has taught me to be more comfortable with the way I want to dress just because people where I live dont dress the same. Thats the point, usually most people are interested in as to what I wear or anyone, I know I am. I'm also learning how I cope with different, changing, pressurising situations and meeting so many different people all the time. It's a good journey but will be glad when it's done with, bring on the 3rd! Now who's getting in the Malibu?
February 25, 2011 21:06
Huddersfield Interview

So I'm sat here with a can of coke with a very sour sweet in my mouth at half 1 in the morning whilst listening to Cut Copy (what else?) I've tonight and tomorrow to rest until the trip to London on Sunday for the LCF assessment on Monday. On the 24th I had my Huddersfield interview for Fashion Communication and Promotion. It was the most horrible process I've ever been through for a University, let me tell you why.
As soon as I walked in to the reception area, which wasn't much of an area, just a table, in a very large, echoy, packed building. I was greeted, or should I say acknowledged from 15 feet away "YOU HERE FOR INTERVIEW?" before I could even walk over to introduce myself/sign in. I was aware they were busy, they being the 3 sat behind the desk dressed like students, looked like students, smelt like students. So yeah, they're not going to beat around the bush but I was so took off guard, it was hard to refocus.
That over with I then had to wait an hour with my mum in the cafe. Which again, was just a few, 4, tables spread out on the opposite side of the bare building. I was so nervous! I had been to UCA before hand and coped fine, I knew what it was, it was the whole shouting experience I had just received. My friend Sammy was there with her mum also, for the Illustration course, shes really good. It was so comforting to see a familiar face.
So it got to the time I was suppose to of signed in/had a campus tour and we'd had no communication other than the previous ordeal. I went over to the reception table but before I got a chance to speak I was greeted rudely again. By rude I mean looked up at as if I had just crawled out from under a rock. I was dismissed to the cafe again. But I'm never dismissed, so I firmly but always politely told her that I was sat away from where they could see so when they do shout me over like you keep repeating please don't forget. They did forget and I was like 2 mins late into the room for the 'brief' overview of the subject. Which I already knew anyway because I revised it the night before, you know, like you should, in case they ask at interview, which they didn't.
From then on wards once met with the course leaders, who were nothing more than focused, I waited 2 whole hours on edge until I was summoned for interview, unwear of when that would be, so it was tense. The interview itself was fine, we went through my portfolio and it was 60% of me doing the talking, 40% Interviewer which is a good ratio. I felt confident with my work and answers to the questions asked, even with ripped pants. Thats right. Ripped pants. My H&M pants I'd bought specially for interviews had fallen apart therefore flashing my behind, isn't that nice? Thankfully I brought my coat and explained why I wanted to leave it on as it's un polite to not take it off. It was a great ice breaker but I was mortified. I left feeling humiliated and drained. I hated the whole process and lack of communication. I just wanted to get out and go on the dole. I was on such a downer it took a good 2 hours, 1 ice tea and a new pair of shoes to bring me back to life. Oh and new pair of pants, a pair of leggings, 1 dress, all in black... my mum really did try to cheer me up, I'm very fortunate. They offered me a place which I found out the day after, so I'm happy with that and myself. More so that I dealt well and coped with RIPPED PANTS.
Huddersfield, is an ok Uni, but it's not for me. The course was more academic based focusing more on case studies and after a year of Psychology case studies at AS, unless it's for Science purposes, I'll pass. It wasn't as creative as I would of wanted and I didn't relate well with the course itself. I'm big on organisation and communication and I really thought the University lacked that therefore only making my final decision easier when choosing what Uni I want to go to. I'm still proud of myself for successfully earning a place and still going in even though I wanted to run away when my pants ripped.
February 23, 2011 21:59

I know you adore at least one of these Australian beauties. The good news is, they'll probably adore you to!
(2008 - bit late, but it still counts!) 'The size 14 body was preferred by 39 per cent, while the size eight came a distant third with 20 per cent.
FHM editor Ben Smithurst said the findings were good news for women.
"A piddling 20 per cent of readers selected our size eight model pictured as their ideal girl physique, while the size 12 and 14 models easily outscored their skinnier rival," he said.
"Which proves one thing, ladies: crack a beer, hoe into a hamburger and we'll love you just as much."'
Stats can be exciting, who knew?
However I do agree with Julie Thomson the general manager for The Butterfly Foundation (of eating disorders) that surveys like this objectify women. Proving that people judge by exterior appearance. However it's a no win situation men fancy women the hour glass figure (more waist) and women (I should know) fancy the broad shoulder, triangle body shape. (Also a good jaw line never hurt anyone) It's human instinct. Men want a women who can carry their offspring and Women want a man to protect them. Therefore the hips are wide enough to support offspring and the shoulders are enough to intimidate. Just a little science/psychology there for you!
(all images found on Google)
Photos from left: Hugh Jackman, Sam Worthington, Oliver Thornton, Heath, Heath and more Heath Ledger
February 23, 2011 21:31

This was the link, but here are also a couple of my favourites.
I'm listening to their Youtube playlist of albums NONE STOP. It's perfect for me because when I'm working I need something to listen to and this is enchanting enough to be not loud and distracting, yet still interesting. It also makes me feel really happy whenever I listen to them.
I have to admit. I think I like them better than the Drums (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The Drums have a much harder New Yorker sound. Cut Copy are much more calmer with their instruments. You almost feel as if you're at a beach party!
I'm gutted because they're playing at the Gorilla in town (Manchester) on the 5th March! The Gorilla is a new venue owned by the owners of Def Institute, in the Academy. I'm yet to discover it but there is some hype surrounding it, however not that many people have heard of it. It would of been nice to of got tickets because it would of been the perfect way to celebrate this mad week of Uni portfolio prep, Uni interviews, the assessment at LCF and the many train journeys. They've all sold out and there is NONE anywhere. I also have to be over 18 (5 months away!) and I can't take another rejection from a gig. Clo and I were supposed to go watch Mike Fielding DJ at Moho but the bouncers were having none of it. We had no idea we needed ID! What a waste of a fiver, it was probably crap anyway... (I joke, I was well miffed, I love Mike. Especially his brother Noel.)

Cut Copy are often labelled 'Electro-pop' but they're more electro-dance (than pop). Where as the Drums ARE pop, its what create. If you like Men At Work or New Order, you'll love Cut Copy.
February 23, 2011 21:13
My Illustrations
February 21, 2011 23:09
Poker Face
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 5 friends.
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun
SOMEONE SAYS 'ARE YOU OKAY' YOU SAY Propane nightmares (Pendulum)
HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Burnin’ up (Jonas Brothers)
WHAT'S YOUR MOTTO? Shut up and drive (Rihanna)
WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? Something good (Utah Saints)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Get the party started (Pink)
WHAT IS 2 + 2? Frozen (Madonna)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Erotica (Madonna)
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before (The Smiths/Ronson cover)
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Express yourself (Madonna)
WHAT DO YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? Telephone (OMG I’ve actually lost my phone somewhere so I’m trying to think where!!!!!) (Lady Gaga)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Ready for the floor (Hot Chip)
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Poker face (Lady Gaga)
February 20, 2011 15:17
Today that is Sunday

February 19, 2011 21:30
February 19, 2011 20:56
heres a preview:
I took this whilst waiting for Form at college. Theres the art building, lovely and grey.
all I could think was DON'T DO ITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 16, 2011 17:57
February 8, 2011 21:03
Black Swan

February 6, 2011 13:03
Ian Curtis epilepsy dance
Some of my friends dislike my favourite band, the Drums, because they say that Johnny copies Ian Curtis dance moves. I disagree! Johnny is way pop where as Ian is robotic, I see the connection but jeez. It's only a dance move, Joy Division wasn't famous for that move and the Drums are not famous for the dancing. It's just fun to watch.
February 6, 2011 00:03
My A2 Photography Final Pieces (Project 1)
February 5, 2011 23:52
UCA Epsom
(on the train to London) What I wore: Cotton white Zara shirt, Lanvin for H&M menswear bow tie, black 'All Saints Worn look' Topshop Brogues, black cardigan, black cigarette pant, red lip, white nail and the tightest bun you ever did see which I had like 2 seconds to do! |
The Stone Roses |
February 5, 2011 23:25
Well wished I married Billy Idol, you know as if I had the chance and all that...
I blame my dad for being a huge Pistols fan and in fact, a Punk himself. Although I say that, my mum reckons the closest he got was a pair of ripped jeans, Cherry Reds and a well executed leg guitar