November 22, 2010 19:12
November 22, 2010 17:37
Minnie Mouse
November 21, 2010 15:35
Topshop Chirstmas
image: Andy Goldsworthy
November 21, 2010 13:33
November 21, 2010 13:32
November 21, 2010 13:30
Crazy Sun Protecters
November 18, 2010 21:08
November 18, 2010 15:08
"£$%^&*(O)P_{!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):
November 18, 2010 13:13
Photography Sets
November 13, 2010 20:22
Brian Duffy

November 13, 2010 20:19
November 13, 2010 20:11
Its sooo pretty! (BOTH) In graphics I'm creating something similar from paper quality to composition but i'm deffo going to scan it in and have a ramble! xxxxxxx
November 13, 2010 17:43
Rocky Horror

I'd love a volume curl but I have no, MUST avoid looking like a Vuitton bunny.. it's just not fitting.

November 8, 2010 13:52
AS Graphics final project: Magazine spread
In my AS last year at college, the last project I found Liselotte Watkins who is an amazing illustration who I seem to come across all the time now!!!! (see bloglovin button) from book covers in the library to canvas messages in Convent Garden! I learnt a lot about her over the time from her blog and in the end created a couple of graphic peices that were greatly influenced.
November 8, 2010 13:51
November 4, 2010 22:15
November 4, 2010 21:41
Vanilla Ice
I'm very excited to find out who the Shop Girl to Stylist winner is as a school friend's sister is in the final ten! I have everything crossed for her! The winner of the competition gets an actual job at ELLE UK!!!! Plus mentoring by the likes of the wonderful Anne Marie Curtis. My manager told me to apply for the competition, I was like 'ahaha no...' fortunately you had to be 18! even though I would of loved to secretly
Last night I somehow joined models are us and uploaded a very old photograph my friend Erin took eons ago. I never use websites like that because I never get the hype, hits or followers I don't know how they do it. It's piczo all over again.
November 2, 2010 19:58
Blogger of the year 2010 entry

Everyone’s fascinated and drawn to diversity whether they admit it or not. However think Cheryl Coles hair, it’s purple. How many kids do you now see with purple hair? Too many! What I want to understand is just because a Celeb icon such as Cheryl dyes her hair such a peculiar colour, does that mean the whole female and possibly male, Cole/X factor fan have to therefore do the same? The high street has so much to offer, it just seems the easier option to buy that pair of cut off’s just because Kate Moss sports them.
When you next spot a fabulous garment, wonder if it reflects your personality or a person you’d like to be; Fashion is about dressing up yet style is your individuality.
November 2, 2010 19:47
Clothes Show 2010

I really want to go this year as the beloved Gok is there, hes such a sweetie! Because of all this UCAS polava theres a Blogger of the year competion, I think I may enter what have I got to loose. I always apply for everything and never win anything haa oops.
November 2, 2010 19:43
Personal Statements
I kept to what needed to be included but made sure my statements, for art foundation and fashion journalism, flowed nicely so it was an interesting read. I'm still on the drafting stage mind!
Follow me on twitter: @Sammehxo
Good memories with this song at Leeds fest this Summer! Was an amazing atmosphere!